50 Affirmations for the 21st Century Odinani Practitioner: Why We Produced It!


In the ever-evolving landscape of spirituality, it's essential to have tools that resonate with our modern lives while honoring ancient traditions. That's why we're thrilled to introduce "50 Affirmations: for the 21st Century Odinani Practitioner" - an ebook designed to empower Odinani adherents.

Why We Produced It:

Odinani as a spiritual practice is connected to all realities as they are on earth, and that includes the power of positive intention. Affirmations serve as a powerful means to tap into this energy, it helps practitioners to align with their inner wisdom and manifest their desires into reality.

With "50 Affirmations: for the 21st Century Odinani Practitioner," our goal is to bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern living. We recognize the need for spiritual practices that resonate with our contemporary lives while honoring the rich traditions of Odinani spirituality. This ebook serves as a bridge between these worlds, offering affirmations that speak to the challenges and opportunities of our modern age while staying in tune with the Igbo spirit.

Why It's Important for Everyone:

  1. Empowerment: Affirmations are like seeds planted in the fertile soil of our subconscious mind. By repeating positive statements regularly, we can reprogram our minds and empower ourselves to create the life we desire.

  2. Alignment: In a world filled with distractions and noise, affirmations help us realign with our true selves and the divine. They serve as reminders of our inherent worthiness, deservingness, and power to manifest our dreams.

  3. Guidance: Each affirmation in this ebook is carefully crafted to resonate with the aphorisms of Odinani spirituality. They offer guidance and support, helping everyone navigate life's challenges with grace and wisdom.

  4. Connection: Affirmations are a powerful tool for deepening our connection with the divine and the natural world. They remind us of our place in the universe and our connection with all living beings.

  5. Transformation: The affirmations in this ebook have the power to catalyze profound transformation in every area of a practitioners life. By incorporating them into daily practice, everyone can tap into their full potential and step into the life they are meant to live.

"50 Affirmations: for the 21st Century Odinani Practitioner," is more than just a collection of positive statements. It's a roadmap to empowerment, alignment, and spiritual growth. Whether you're new to Odinani spirituality or a seasoned practitioner, this ebook will inspire and guide you on your journey towards self-discovery, (re)alignment and fulfillment.


5 Out of 50 Featured Affirmations:

  • Onye kwe chi ya ekwe. My thoughts and intentions create my reality, I focus on positivity and abundance.

  • Akwa Akwuru. I am worthy of love, success, and happiness.

  • Ejim Ofo na Ogu. I am aligned with my purpose and passion in life.

  • Ife kwulu, ife akwudobe ya. I honor my body, mind, and spirit with nourishing practices.

  • Isi iyi ike ndu. I am a channel for divine love and healing energy.


Oma Ikenga

Oma is an Igbo writer and multidisciplinary artist, passionate about learning of human existence by interrogating human experiences. They also work as a knowledge consultant on Igbo Philosophies & Spirtualities with several organzations and groups internationally.


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