Master the 28:28 Method: A Powerful Technique to Unlock Abundance!

In this post we’re going to explain a simple manifestation technique for finance & wealth related goals, if you’re intrigued by that sort of knowledge or practice let’s dive in.

This technique is called the 28:28 Method or Iri Abụọ Asatọ Method. It is a manifestation technique which can be used to achieve financial and wealth related goals; basically those goals you have which revolve around money or wealth creation. A manifestation technique is a method or applied principle which can be used to bring a dream or idea into reality, by setting an intention on what you would like to see, then watching that dream come true, through progressive action.

The key to this 28:28 method or iri abụọ asatọ method is to keep it consistent and simple, there is no need, even with its advanced form, to complicate it at any point. The moment you make it complicated, you start to lose its effect. Simple roads may not always be the easiest, but they are usually the most effective. What we mean by that is, don’t mistake our use of the term ‘simple’ for ‘easy’. In other words, this is a simple technique but it may not be easy for everyone. It is for those who are fully committed to seeing its process through till the end.

With the 28:28 Method or Iri Abụọ Asatọ Method, there are two essential steps. Let’s refer to the first step as ‘The 28 Answers List’: this step entails defining a main question and timeline for your financial target e.g ‘How Can I Earn <insert figure> In 28 Weeks?’, write that question down on a blank page. Then below the question, proceed to make a list of up to 28 different things you can do to achieve that goal. Those things can be simple general goals or very specific goals or a mix of both. Try to make sure you make a list of at least 8 things or at most 28 things, take your time and ideas will come to you.

The second essential step entails a journaling practice. Choose a single goal (just a single goal, you don’t need more than one), which you can turn into or use as an affirmation, and on a blank page begin to write this affirmation 28 times in repetition each day for 28 days in a row. You can do this by opening a fresh page in a new journal at whatever time of the day is convenient or most comfortable for you. When are relaxed and focused, you may begin to write out that affirmation over and over again on the blank page until you get to the 28th time. Then you can close it up for that day and begin the process again the next day, each day until the 28th day. Remember, the key to getting the most out of this technique is to keep it simple and consistent. The first and second steps can be executed as two separate things, they do not have to be linked with each other. You can see them as two different sides of the same coin. Their main objective is to help you manifest your financial dreams. 

This manifestation technique will demand discipline from you, you have to show up each day to execute your journaling practice (writing down your single affirmation 28 times) for 28 days, back to back. Another very important key to keep in mind while applying this technique, is to remember to keep your affirmation in the PRESENT TENSE. Whatever that single goal you selected and turned into an affirmation is, try to keep it in the present, by phrasing your affirmation in present tense. The reason for this is that the subconscious mind dwells in the realm of the PRESENT, the NOW. Not the future, not the past, it resonates with the present. And manifestation techniques involve the power of your thoughts to shape your reality into your ideal one. The center of your thoughts is your mind, and the center of your mind at the forefront of manifestations is your subconscious mind. If you can understand this simple principle, which is that the subsconcious mind works essentially with the language of the present, then you have the key to nourishing it and being in control of your long term realities (as it concerns your life).

The last thing we will share here about the 28:28 | iri abụọ asatọ method (manifestation technique) is that to get the most out of your affirmation, (this is in a case when you are vocalizing besides journaling) you may end each repetition with whatever your reverberating equivalent of —‘so it is’ or ‘it is so’ or amen, is in your belief system. For example by saying — Iseee, or Àṣẹ. That gives it an assertive echo with the abstract (the realm of the unseen or energetic fields). Remember to keep it simple and consistent.

If you have any questions or need any clarifcations on this technique, you can book a consultation with me and if you would like to know more about the advanced aspect of this technique you can also sign up to any of the programs — regular or advanced. Either way, we hope you get the most out of this technique and we wish you all the very best with your financial goals!


8 Cool Igbo Proverbs & Axioms to Ponder On:

  1. Ako bu Ije - Wisdom is the way.

  2. Ebe onye oso ruru, onye ije ga eru ya! - Wherever one who runs reaches, one who walks would also reach.

  3. Eriri ma ngwugwu, ngwugwu ma onye kere ya - The rope knows/identifies the parcel, and the parcel knows the one that wrapped it.

  4. Nku di na mba n'eghelu mba nni - Firewood in a land is enough to feed the land.

  5. Nwata kwochaa aka o soro okenye ma oba ogaranya rie nri - If the child washes their hand clean, they eat and dine with the elders or kings.

  6. O bu na oru mmadu ka chi ya si eke ya - It is by the works of a person that their Chi manifests their path.

  7. Onu mmanu mmanu na-ebute aka aja aja or aka aja aja n'ebute onu mmanu mmanu - There's dignity in hardwork. A hand that works will eat.

  8. Osi na nwata buru ogaranya - One who was predestined to become wealthy, and as a result became wealthy from their youth.

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Sloane Angelou

Sloane Angelou is a multifaceted strategist, storyteller, and writer with a deep passion for exploring the nuances of human existence through the lens of human experiences.


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