40 Ways To Stay Broke (and Never Achieve Financial Independence)

One of the highest reasons people fail to achieve financial success is not a lack of knowledge or resources, but a failure to act. Planning is crucial, but it’s action that transforms plans into reality. Success requires action not perception, it requires consistent effort, not just the perception of being busy.

We’ve decided to use the inversion method for this post. So for those who want to ensure they stay broke, we’ve highlighted 40 things and habits to avoid acting on. By recognizing these pitfalls, you can understand what it takes to gain financial independence.

Forty Ways to Stay Broke

  1. Never Create a Budget: Avoiding a budget will ensure you have no idea where your money goes, it will lead you right into unnecessary spending and debt.

  2. Spend Everything You Earn: Live paycheck to paycheck with no savings for emergencies or future investments. Make sure not to live below your means.

  3. Ignore Financial Education: Never read books, watch videos, or seek advice on managing money. Avoid free or low-cost financial literacy programs that can educate you on managing money.

  4. Spend Impulsively: Make purchases based on whims rather than needs or plans.

  5. Procrastinate on Savings: Always find an excuse to start saving next month, or next year.

  6. Avoid Investment Opportunities: Stay away from stocks, real estate, or any form of investment that could grow your wealth.

  7. Keep Up with the Kardashians: Spend excessively to maintain a lifestyle similar to those around you, regardless of your actual financial situation.

  8. Neglect Emergency Funds: Don’t set aside money for unforeseen circumstances.

  9. Don’t Track Your Expenses: Avoid keeping records of where your money goes, it will ensure you never realize how much you waste.

  10. Ignore Debt: Don’t prioritize paying off debt, let interest accumulate and compound.

  11. Live Beyond Your Means: Spend more than you earn, consistently dig yourself deeper into financial trouble. Prioritize spending on non-essential items over necessities.

  12. Avoid Setting Financial Goals: Without clear goals, you will have no direction or motivation to improve your financial situation.

  13. Neglect Retirement Planning: Don’t contribute to retirement accounts, ensure you have nothing to fall back on in your later years.

  14. Ignore Financial Advice: Dismiss advice from financial experts or successful people.

  15. Avoid Negotiating Salaries: Accept whatever salary is offered without negotiating for better pay.

  16. Spend Windfalls Immediately: Whenever you receive unexpected money, spend it right away instead of saving or investing.

  17. Don’t Diversify Income Sources: Rely on a single source of income, making you vulnerable if that source dries up.

  18. Ignore Inflation: Don’t adjust your financial plans to account for inflation, let your money lose value over time. Don't adjust your financial strategies to counteract inflation, erode your purchasing power over time.

  19. Make Emotional Financial Decisions: Let emotions drive your financial choices rather than logic and planning.

  20. Avoid Networking: Neglect building relationships that could offer financial advice, opportunities, or support.

  21. Never Learn New Skills: Don’t invest in personal or professional development that could increase your earning potential.

  22. Ignore Tax Planning: Don’t take advantage of tax deductions, credits, or efficient tax planning.

  23. Overpay for Services: Never shop around for better deals or negotiate prices for services you use.

  24. Avoid Creating Multiple Bank Accounts: Keep all your money in one place, making it hard to manage and save effectively.

  25. Keep Debts Hidden: Don’t discuss your financial problems or debts with anyone, keep them from helping you find solutions.

  26. Stay in Unfulfilling Jobs: Remain in jobs that don’t pay well or offer growth, rather than seeking better opportunities.

  27. Avoid Reading Financial Statements: Ignore your bank and card statements, remain unaware of your financial standing.

  28. Overlook Passive Income: Don’t explore ways to earn passive income through investments, royalties, or side businesses.

  29. Never Research Before Buying: Make purchases without comparing prices or reading reviews.

  30. Neglect to Teach Kids About Money: Don’t educate your children about financial responsibility, ensure the cycle of poor financial habits continues.

  31. Ignore Insurance Needs: Avoid buying insurance for your car, home, or health, risk huge expenses in case of mishaps.

  32. Don’t Set Up Automatic Savings: Rely on manual transfers for savings, forget to save regularly.

  33. Spend Money on Get-Rich-Quick Schemes: Invest in dubious schemes rather than legitimate, well-researched opportunities.

  34. Avoid Planning for Major Expenses: Don’t plan ahead for big expenses like home repairs, education, or vacations.

  35. Never Take Financial Risks: Avoid any form of financial risk, ensuring no chance for higher returns.

  36. Ignore Market Trends: Don’t stay informed about economic or market trends that could affect your finances.

  37. Avoid Volunteering or Charity: Miss opportunities for personal growth and networking through volunteer work or charitable giving.

  38. Stay Stuck in Bad Financial Habits: Resist changing your spending and saving habits, even when they’re clearly not working for you.

  39. Read self help books and never act on the knowledge you gain from them.

  40. Don’t keep your promises to youself: Keep making promises to yourself that you never keep. Become best friends with procrastination.

Action is Key

While knowing what to do is essential, it’s the action that truly counts. The path to financial independence is paved with disciplined, consistent efforts and smart financial habits. Avoiding the pitfalls listed above and taking proactive steps towards your financial goals will set you on the right track. Success requires action, not just intention. Start today and transform your financial future.

Leave a comment below if you have any financial advice you would like to share with us, and share this post with all your friends you want to help stay broke.


Sloane Angelou

Sloane Angelou is a multifaceted strategist, storyteller, and writer with a deep passion for exploring the nuances of human existence through the lens of human experiences.


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