Over 85 Igbo Descriptors and Invocations for (Nne)Chukwu, the Supreme Being

In Igbo cosmology, the descriptors compiled in this post represent some of the multiple terms used to depict the diverse divine manifestations of the supreme beings responsible for creating our world (Uwa). We’ve put together a list featuring an invocation and multiple descriptors, from two distinct source materials, presented in a non-specific order. 

We hope you find it useful!

Source material for the invocation below: “After God is Dibia” by John Anenechukwu Umeh

Okike Chi

Okike Uwa

Awuwa Walu Ife

na Okike Kelu Ife…

Following this, feel free to conclude with a salutation that resonates with you.


Source material for the descriptors below: “Leopards of the Magical Dawn: Science and the Cosmological Foundations of Igbo Culture" by Nze Chukwukadibia E. Nwafor

Nnechukwu (Divine Mother/Feminine):

  • Nne-Mu-Chukwu

  • Alawuala-Nnenwanyi-Okpu

  • Nnekete-Ngugu-Ofu-Ji-Ume-Ndu

  • Ofu-Mmiri-Zoturu-Okike-Ju-Mgbachaa

  • Otutu-Turu-Uwa-N’Aka-Okpu

  • Ikuku-Nnechukwu-Selitere-Uwa-N’ofu-Akwu

  • Nkata-Ofu-Moro-Anya-Ka-Ahu-Ha

  • Nne-Nwanyi-Agwu-Isi-Ajata

  • Nnenwanyi-Kpuru-Ara-K’ahu-Ha

  • Nne-Oma-Muru-Umu-Zuo-Umu

  • Mgba-Akwu-Oturukpa-Ete-Odii

  • Ele-Ya-Na Nwa-Ya-Wa-Ofu-Ogodo

  • Ezenwanyi-Nwe-Oshimiri-Iyi-Okike

  • Agadi-Nwanyi-Egwu-Toro-N’okpa

  • Ogwugwu-Nwanyi-Okpu

  • Ogbu-Amuma-Bari-Bari

  • Ofu-Aka-Kpara-Nku-Okike

  • Nne-Atu-Ara-Zuru-Ahu

  • Nnenwanyi-Afo-Mbu

  • Ezenwanyi-Iyi-Ogba

  • Owuwa Wara Uwa

  • Imo-Mmiri-Ochie

  • Oshimiri-Ata-Ata

  • Ishi Mmiri Ndu

  • Ora Muru Uwa

  • Nono-Ugwu-Aka

  • Ofu-Ululu-Aka

  • Agu-Nnem

  • Ekekereuwa

  • Ulidereuwa

  • Nnem-Nwanyi-Iyi

  • Nwanyi-Mara-Mma

  • Nne Oma

  • Nne Ora

  • Nne Ogazi

  • Nne Unye

  • Nne Ogo

  • Nne Uto

  • Nne Ebere

  • Nne Omumu

  • Nne Okpu

  • Nne Okike

  • Nne Nzu

  • Nne Uwa

  • Nne Iyi

  • Ijiriji Ndu


Chukwu (Divine Father/Masculine):

  • Olisa-Isi

  • Chukwu Eke

  • Chukwu Orie

  • Chukwu Afor

  • Chukwu Nkwo

  • Olisa-Onye-Enu

  • Ogazuru-Uwa-N’ofu-Nje

  • Achikwu-Igwe-Teghete

  • Aka-Ijite-Ofu

  • Eze Igwe N’asaa

  • Eze-Adum-Na-Mbu

  • Eze Atuma

  • Eze-Enu

  • Eze Uga

  • Eze-Iyi-Enu

  • Ezechitoke

  • Eze Anya Ofu

  • Eze Ogo

  • Eze Udo

  • Eze Oba

  • Eze Nka

  • Nwoke-Ele-Ele

  • Di-Mu-Uzu

  • Di-Nwe-Izu

  • Eze Obi Mbu

  • Eze-Ose-Ofu

  • Ogbuwa Ogene

  • Osebiliriuwa

  • Agali Odii

  • Igbudu Uwa

  • Igbudu Odii

  • Igbudu Ofu

  • Igbudu Aka

  • Igbudu Chi

  • Ezechukwuokike

  • Umeju-Uwa-Na-Igwe

  • Igudu-Odii-Gbara-Uwa-Gharii

  • Chukwu-Ono-N’igbudu-Aka-Uwa

  • Okike-Kere-Uwa-Na-Ihe-Di-Uwa-N’ime

  • Ofu-Agada-Mmuo-Ji-Ora-N’abo

  • Egwu-Ofu-Nyiri-Dike-Oja-Mgbute

  • Ofu-Ire-Oku-Shi-La-Mmuo-Gbara-Futa-La-Madu

  • Nwokeoma-Nwere-Awolo-Nne-Ya-Ukwu

  • Eze-Onwekodo-Ikpa-Okike

  • Uzu-Na-Akpuru-Onye-Ka-Odi-Ya-N’uche

  • Anu-Ofu-Nyiri-Ora-Mgbabgu



Igbo writer, mystic and philosopher.


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