You Have Nothing to Fear: My System for Staying Spiritually Protected

Spiritual protection can be a lifestyle. When your actions, thoughts, and environment align with your higher purpose, you create an invisible shield of peace, clarity, and divine alignment. In this post, I’ve outlined my personal system for staying spiritually protected, built around routines, mental wellness, and intentional actions. You can follow this guide to integrate spiritual hygiene into your everyday life and ensure that your energy stays pure, focused, and in tune with your Chi.

  1. Build Spiritual Hygiene Routines into Your Daily Life: Think of spiritual hygiene like brushing your teeth—it needs to happen regularly. This can be done through prayers, meditation, or morning affirmations and routines, have simple routines that you can maintain daily or weekly. These routines cleanse your energy field, keep you in alignment with your Chi, and ensure that your spirit remains strong.


    - Light a candle or incense as part of your morning ritual.

    - Speak life, pray or declare over the water when taking a morning bath or shower.

    - Speak words of protection or affirmation before leaving your house.

    - Take time to journal and reflect at night to release any mental clutter.

  2. Consume Content That Feeds Your Mind Constructively: The things you watch, read, and listen to can shape your thoughts and energy. To stay spiritually aligned, choose content that inspires you, nurtures your mind, and edifies your spirit. Avoid negativity and unnecessary chaos.

  3. Speak Positively About Yourself—Always: Even when you are struggling, never speak negatively about yourself. Words carry power, and what you say about yourself shapes your reality. Instead, use affirmations to reframe your challenges. Saying, “I am finding my way” instead of “I am lost” shifts your energy and reinforces hope. People can say whatever they want, that’s beyond your control. But what you say about yourself will always be within your control.

  4. Develop a Consistent Igo Mmuo Routine: Igo Mmuo (honoring your spiritual energies) helps you maintain a clear and open connection with your personal spiritual energies and guides. This can be done through small offerings, songs, or moments of prayer and reflection, a consistent practice keeps your spirit in alignment and ensures you receive guidance when needed.

  5. Spend Time in Nature to Ground and Recalibrate: Nature is a powerful healer. When you feel off-balance or overwhelmed, take a walk outside, spend some time on the beach or sit under a tree. Nature’s energies will ground you and recalibrate your spirit, bringing you back to a place of clarity and calm.

  6. Eat Foods that Support Strong Gut Health: Your gut is called the “second brain” because it directly affects your emotional and mental well-being. Eating healthy, whole foods ensures that your energy remains high and your spirit clear. Pay attention to how certain foods affect your mood and vitality, and make adjustments as needed.

  7. Stick to Your Nso (Sacred Commitments): Each of us has things that are good for our personal journey and things we are meant to avoid. Your nso are your spiritual boundaries—commit to the things that uplift you, and stay away from what draws you off course, even if those things benefit others.

  8. Observe Moments of Silence for Clarity: Silence is powerful. In moments of stillness, your Chi can deliver clarity and insights to your mind, even if you are not immediately aware. Regularly take moments to sit quietly, without distractions. These moments of silence allow your spirit to rest and recharge.

  9. Practice Isalaka—Giving Back Without Expectation: Giving without expectation is a core principle in Igbo spirituality. Isalaka strengthens your connection with your community and helps maintain balance in the flow of energy between you and the world. Set up a personal system to give—this can be done through volunteering, sharing resources, or supporting others—and do it with an open heart.

  10. Practice Ichu Aja Quarterly for Gratitude and Alignment: Every three to four months, perform Ichu Aja (sacrificial offerings) to give thanks and honor the spiritual forces in your life. This could involve bringing gifts to elders, sharing food with your family, or making offerings according to your people’s tradition (omenana). Practicing gratitude through Ichu Aja ensures that your path remains smooth and that your Chi is consistently supplied with the spiritual energy to continue to guide and protect you.

Action Point: Create Your Spiritual Protection Checklist

Take a few moments to reflect on your current spiritual practices. Write down one thing you will commit to doing daily, weekly, and quarterly based on the principles shared in this post. Here’s a quick template to get you started:

  1. Daily: _____________________________________________

  2. Weekly: ___________________________________________

  3. Quarterly: _________________________________________

Commit to these practices, and notice how your energy shifts over time. With consistency, you’ll build an unshakable foundation of peace and protection. Remember: You have nothing to fear when you live in alignment with your highest self.

You can create a life rooted in purpose, gratitude, and spiritual security by following this system. Let this be your guide, and know that the more intentional you are with your energy, the more protected and aligned you will feel in every aspect of your life. Stay blessed. ✨


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Igbo writer, mystic and philosopher.


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