50 Gwam Gwam Gwam Riddles (Game) for Igbo Learners
This is a growing collection of Igbo riddles, with new additions over time—so be sure to check back regularly!
Gwa m, Gwa m, Gwa m is a collection of Igbo riddles, a key part of Igbo oral literature. As a game it encourages both children and adults to learn and speak Igbo while deepening their connection to Igbo tradition and culture. It’s an engaging exercise for Igbo families, educators, and anyone passionate about preserving our heritage.
How to Play
Begin each riddle by saying "Gwa m, Gwa m, Gwa m", then state the riddle and wait for the other player’s response. To keep the challenge fun, only the person asking the riddles should view the answers, which we've included as a learning aid. Enjoy and let the knowledge flow!
Gwam o maara ka o joro were ochichiri na-aga (Usu)
Translation: Tell me who knew how ugly he was and started walking at night (bat)
Gwam ozu liri onwe ya (ukwara)
Translation: Tell me the corpse that buried itself (Cough)
Gwam nwa so gi ba n'ohia ma o soghi gi puta (Nsi)
Translation: Tell me the child who went with you to the bush but didn't come out with you (faeces/shit)
Gwam onye n'eti nwata ihe n'ihu nne ya (Aguu)
Translation: Tell me who beats a child in front of their mother (Hunger)
Gwam onye jiri ikpere gazuo ubi nna gi (ogu)
Translation: Tell me who went round your father's farm with their knees (Hoe)
Gwam onye uwa dum na-atu egwu; onye amaa nne mo nna; onye amaa nkpona mo mgbei; onye amaa odibo mo eze; onye na-emete gi mgbe ura kagba uto? (onwu)
Translation: Tell me who the whole world fears; who can't tell mother from father; who can't tell rich from poor; who can't tell servant from king; who wakes you up when your sleep is sweetest? (death)
Gwam anu akpu n'onu ma erighi eri (ire)
Translation: Tell me the meat put in the mouth but not eaten (tongue)
Gwam nwata gba oto je ubi we mara akwa lota (oka)
Translation: Tell me the child that went to the farm naked and came back with clothes (corn)
Gwam o biawa o maa mma, ma o lawa ojoo njo (mmadu)
Translation: Tell me who comes to the world beautiful and goes back ugly (human being)
Gwam akwa Chukwu suu odiro ako ako? (Ire)
Translation: Tell me the cloth God washed that never drys (Tongue)
Gwam mmadu abuo na-aga n'uzo, mmiri na ama otu mana o naghi ama onye ozo (nwanyi di ime)
Translation: Tell me two people that when walking under the rain, water beats one but doesn’t beat the other? (pregnant woman)
Gwam ihe gba aka banye ohie chiri umu puta? (Ede)
Translation: Tell me what entered bush empty handed but came out with children (cocoyam)
Gwam onwere uru, enweghi okpukpu (ji)
Translation: Tell me what has flesh but no bones (yam)
Gwam agbogho oma ana ama-ura n'ahia (Akpu)
Translation: Tell me a beautiful damsel being slapped in the market (uncooked fufu)
Gwam agaba aga okpelu azu, anaba anaba okpelu azu (ikiri ukwu)
Translation: Tell me what stays back when coming and stays back when going (the back of the foot)
Gwam ogba aka ari enu (Agwo)
Translation: Tell me what climbs up without hands (Snake)
Gwam ihe gba aka gbago elu, kuru mmiri gbadata (aki oyibo)
Translation: Tell me what went up empty handed but came down with water (coconut)
Gwam anu nwere otu ukwu (ero)
Translation: Tell me of a bush meat wit one leg (mushroom)
Gwam nwa mara nma anaghi eku n'ahu (oku)
Translation: Tell me of a fine child that can’t be carried on the body (fire)
Gwam ihe bu nke gi, ma mmadu niile kara gi nwere ya? (aha gi)
Translation: Tell me what belongs to you, but others have it more than you do (your name)
Gwam nwa agboghobia abu na agba n'isi? (Udara)
Translation: Tell me which pretty girl has pus on her head. (red Cherry fruit)
Gwam ude asuru na mba anu ya na mba (egbe mkpona'ala)
Translation: Tell me a sound made in a town and heard in another town (canon)
Gwam o mere ihe e jiri ma nti ula (onu)
Translation: Tell me who commited the crime that made the ear to be slapped (mouth)
Gwam okorobia abuu na apu n'isi (ekpem nkwuocha)
Translation: Tell me which young man has whitish substance coming out of his head (gallon of palm wine)
Gwam ogege chukwu gbara (eze)
Translation: Tell me what fence is built by God (teeth)
Gwam ejewe ejewe o bute uzo, alawa alawa o kpata azu? (unyogo)
Translation: Tell me what when going it is in front, when coming back it is at the back (Silluotte/Shadow)
Gwam ihe mere eze jiri rachaa ntu (ube)
Translation: Tell me what made the king to lick ash (local pear)
Gwam ibe ji zuru uwa onu (Onwa)
Translation: Tell me which piece of yam is enough for the whole world (Moon)
Gwam okoro chi uta na-agba ezi ezi (Akpi)
Translation: Tell me the soldier who shoots his arrow without been sent (Scorpion)
Gwam agadi nwanyi na araru ura n'udu mmiri (mmanu)
Translation: Tell me the old woman that sleeps during rainy season (palmoil)
Gwam ihe a na-agba gburugburu ma na anaghi ari ya elu (ukwu ose)
Translation: Tell me what is danced around but not climbed (Pepper tree)
Gwam obu uzo eri ihe e sinyere (ite)
Translation: Tell me what’s the first to eat whatever was cooked (the cooking pot)
Gwam obu ulo ya aga mba (Mbe)
Translation: Tell me what carries its house while traveling (tortoise)
Gwam ihe ya na Eze na-anuko mmanya (Ijiji)
Translation: Tell me what drinks with the king (housefly)
Gwam ihe kuru aka kpam! baa ohia (Ugbakala)
Translation: Tell me what clapped its hand kpam! and entered the bush (Oil bean seed)
Gwam nwaanyi ogbe ara ukwu (oji)
Translation: Tell me which woman has big breasts (kolanut)
Gwam udo si n'igwe were ruo ala (mmiri ozuzo)
Translation: Tell me of a rope that stretches from heaven to earth (rain)
Gwam odara obu (olulu) ereghi ure (Nkume)
Translation: Tell me what falls inside a hole and does not rot (stone)
Gwam akwa a suru asu Igbo na-enye nsopuru (utara ji)
Translation: Tell me what is the pounded egg that Igbos revere (pounded yam)
Gwam agbogho ara ano (odo/ikwe)
Translation: Tell me what is the damsel with four breasts (mortar)
Gwam odara n'ala enweghi mkpoko (mmanu)
Translation: Tell me what falls on the ground and defies collection (oil)
Gwam ola Chukwu gbanyere anaghi apu apu (Akaraaka)
Translation: A ring that God puts (on someone) that does not fall off (destiny)
Gwan nnunu na-efezu uwa niile ma onweghi nku (uche)
Translation: A bird that flies around the world but has no wings (mind)
Ugwo onye Eze na ogbenye ji (onwu)
Translation: A debt owed by the king and the poor (death)
Ihe no n'ihu be nne gi na-echere gi aka mgba (Apiti)
Translation: That which stays in front of your mothers house and challenges you to a wresting contest (mud)
Osisi mara mma iji mere utari mana o dighi ebe a ga-ejide ya aka (mmaamiri)
Translation: A stick good to be used for cane but there is no way to hold it with the hand (urine)
Ihe na-ebu uzo richaa onu abia ka riwa (anya)
Translation: What eats first before the mouth eats (the eyes)
ihe kpu okpu noro n'ohia (ero)
Translation: what wears a cap while sitting in the bush (mushroom)
Gwam ihe kere nwata okpo n'ihu nne ya (mkpuru mmiri)
Translation: Tell me what knocks a child on the head in front of its mother (ice block/frozen water)
Gwam ihe bu gi uzo taa oji i wara (mbo aka)
Translation: what was the first to eat the kolanut that you broke (your fingers)
Know any other Igbo riddles? Drop them in the comments! If they’re good, we’ll add them to the list. Dalu!
Please Note: The Igbo (written) language is rich in diacritical marks and accents that convey specific meanings and nuances. However, the Igbo texts highlighted in this post do not include such diacritical marks