Igba Mbo: The Teaching of Consistent Movement & Strategic Proactiveness in Igbo Tradition

Igba Mbo, an underlying principle of Igbo tradition from time immemorial, translates to individual effort, industriousness, and strategic proactiveness. This philosophy is deeply embedded in Igbo culture, it refresents a commitment to consistent movement, perseverance, patience, and discipline. The practice of Igba Mbo not only fosters personal growth but also strengthens communal bonds, as each it is believed that each person's individual efforts contributes to the collective well-being of the society. In this post we will expore this principle of Igba Mbo, and the wisdom it represents.

The Science of Constant Movement

In Igbo philosophy, Igba Mbo centers the science of constant movement. This principle is akin to the laws of physics, where an object in motion stays in motion. In the context of Igbo tradition, this translates to the belief that continuous effort and progress are essential for achieving one's goals in life. Igbo ancestors understood that stagnation leads to decay, both in personal endeavors and community life. Therefore, consistent movement is encouraged, ensuring that each individual and communities remain dynamic, adaptable, and forward-thinking.

Perseverance and Patience

Perseverance and patience are integral components of Igba Mbo. Igbo ancestors recognize that meaningful achievements require sustained effort over time. This perspective is reflected in the Igbo proverb, “Aka oru mmadu ka eji ama ya”, which means, “a person becomes known by their handwork." This saying underscores the value placed on persistent hard work. Perseverance is not merely about enduring hardships; it is about maintaining a steady course towards one's objectives despite challenges. Patience, on the other hand, complements perseverance by teaching us to wait for the fruits of our labor without succumbing to frustration or discouragement.


Discipline is another critical aspect of Igba Mbo. It involves the ability to adhere to a set path, maintain focus, and resist distractions. In Igbo culture, discipline is seen as a virtue that enables individuals to maximize their energy and resources effectively. It is through discipline that one can achieve mastery over their craft, maintain integrity, and uphold the values of their community. The disciplined individual is not swayed by immediate gratification but remains committed to long-term goals.

Strategic Proactiveness

Igba Mbo also emphasizes strategic proactiveness. This involves planning, foresight, and the ability to anticipate challenges before they arise. Igbo ancestors value the ability to think ahead and act accordingly. This proactive mindset is evident in various aspects of Igbo life, from agriculture to business, where careful planning and timely action are crucial for success. Strategic proactiveness ensures that efforts are not wasted and that each step taken is purposeful and directed towards a clear objective.

The Impact of Igba Mbo on Individual and Community Life

The principles of Igba Mbo extend beyond individual endeavors, influencing the broader community. In Igbo society, the success of one is seen as the success of all. Therefore, each person's commitment to Igba Mbo contributes to the collective prosperity. This communal aspect of Igba Mbo fosters a sense of responsibility and mutual support. It encourages everyone to share their skills, knowledge, and resources, to create a synergistic effect that benefits the entire community.

To Sum It Up

Igba Mbo, the teaching of consistent movement in Igbo tradition, is a multifaceted philosophy that encompasses perseverance, patience, discipline, and strategic proactiveness. It is a testament to the Igbo people's understanding of the importance of sustained effort and continuous progress. By adopting Igba Mbo as a philosophy of life, everyone can achieve personal growth and contribute to the collective well-being of their community. This enduring principle remains relevant in contemporary society, offering valuable lessons on the power of consistent movement and the importance of staying committed to one's goals.

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Oma Ikenga

Oma is an Igbo writer and multidisciplinary artist, passionate about learning of human existence by interrogating human experiences. They also work as a knowledge consultant on Igbo Philosophies & Spirtualities with several organzations and groups internationally.


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