The Golden Rule of Engaging Any Spiritual Entity (Awareness Before Action)

As you grow in your spiritual practice of Odinani and expand your consciousness, you will undoubtedly encounter multiple spiritual entities and cosmic forces woven into Igbo worldview. These energies, whatever form they take, each carry their own energetic imprint, purpose, and influence. With time, you may even find yourself feeling a deep pull toward certain forces, sensing a connection or an unexplainable familiarity.

All of this is natural. It is part of the spiritual journey. However, there is one rule—a golden rule, that must guide you whenever you seek to engage with any spiritual entity. This rule is: Awareness before action.

Why Coming Into Awareness Matters

Before summoning, invoking, or calling upon any spiritual force, you must first come into awareness of what that energy truly is. Awareness is not a fleeting feeling or a vague sense of connection, it is rooted in knowledge, study, and deliberate inquiry.

Awareness means you take the time to learn about the entity you feel drawn to. It means you:

  • Study their attributes, their roles in the cosmic order, and their significance within Odinani.

  • Expose yourself to information from trusted teachers, elders, and texts, that offers context about the force you wish to engage.

  • Ask questions, boldly and humbly, to those with deeper spiritual insight.

  • Divine when necessary, seek clarity through Afa or other divination mediums, so that you are not led by mere assumptions.

The goal is simple: to come into clarity.

Intuition vs. Instinct

This process of gaining awareness also protects you from mistaking instinct for intuition. As we previously discussed in another post, intuition arises from stillness (Akwu) and inner knowing, connected to your Chi and Ezumezu mmuo; the divine aspects of your spirit who always work for your highest good. Instinct, however arises from activity (Obi), is shaped by external influences and can be fueled by desire.

When you feel a strong urge to engage with a spiritual entity, ask yourself:

  • Is this an intuitive pull, grounded in still awareness?

  • Or is it an impulsive instinct, driven by desire, excitement, or external influence?

The difference is subtle but very key. Acting without awareness is like entering a room blindfolded, you may stumble into something you did not intend to.

The Reward of Awareness

When you prioritize awareness, something beautiful happens: your engagement with spiritual entities becomes more intentional and respectful. You no longer approach these forces like a child playing with fire, hoping not to get burned. Instead, you stand as a conscious spiritual practitioner, making informed decisions about which energies you invite into your life.

Moreover, awareness refines your spiritual sensitivity. As you learn, you also begin to notice how certain energies feel, how they move within and around you. Your spiritual practice becomes sharper, more focused, and deeply attuned to the cosmic rhythms of Odinani.

Concluding Thoughts

No matter how connected you feel to a spiritual force, always remember: Awareness before action. Take the time to learn, to understand, and to know. Let your journey be one of clarity, not confusion; of intuition, not mere instinct.

May your path in Odinani be filled with light, wisdom, and intentional engagement. I wish you well on your spiritual journey. Yagazie!



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Igbo writer, mystic and philosopher.


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