The 8-8-8 Formula for Wealth Manifestation


In the pursuit of wealth, having a structured approach and plan is very important. The 8-8-8 Formula for Wealth Manifestation is a powerful framework that divides your day into three productive segments and guides you through setting goals, defining actionable steps, and establishing daily routines. By implementing this formula, you can align your daily activities with your long-term wealth-building aspirations.

8 Major Goals to Achieve

Start by defining and outlining eight major goals you want to accomplish within a specific timeframe. These goals should be ambitious yet achievable, they should give you a clear direction and purpose. Here are some examples:

  1. Increase monthly income by 20% in one year: Aim to boost your earnings through a raise, side hustles, or investments.

  2. Build an emergency fund within the next six months: Save at least six months’ worth of living expenses.

  3. Invest in a portfolio by end of the year: Diversify your investment portfolio.

  4. Launch a business in four months time: Develop and market a product or service.

  5. Clear high-interest debt by 2030: Pay off credit cards or loans.

  6. Develop a skill in three months: Learn a new language or professional skill.

  7. Improve physical health: Exercise regularly and maintain a balanced diet.

  8. Expand your network before the end of the year: Connect with industry leaders and mentors.

8 Actions to Achieve Your Goals

To achieve these goals, outline eight specific actions or steps you can take for each. These actions should be strategic steps that will propel you towards success. Let’s give some examples of eight actions we can take for each major goal we already selected in the first step:

  • Increase monthly income: 1—Negotiate a raise at work. 2—Start a freelancing gig. 3—Invest in dividend-paying stocks. 4—Create and sell a digital product. 5—Offer consulting services. 6—Rent out a spare room on Airbnb. 7—Take on part-time work. 8—Start a blog or YouTube channel with ad revenue.

  • Build an emergency fund: 1—Set up automatic savings transfers. 2—Reduce non-essential expenses. 3—Sell unused items. 4—Take on a temporary part-time job. 5—Use cashback apps for purchases. 6—Direct bonus or tax refunds to savings. 7—Cook at home more often. 8—Avoid impulse purchases.

  • Invest in a portfolio: 1—Research potential stocks or portfolio assets. 2—Consult with a financial advisor. 3—Attend investment seminars or webinars. 4—Open a brokerage or investment account. 5—Join an investment mastermind group. 6—Analyze market trends regularly. 7—Set aside a fixed amount monthly for investments. 8—Read books on investing.

  • Launch a business: 1—Conduct market research. 2—Write a business plan. 3—Secure initial funding. 4—Develop a prototype or a minimum viable product. 5—Create a marketing strategy. 6—Register your business. 7—Build a website. 8—Network with potential partners.

  • Clear high-interest debt: 1—List all debts and interest rates. 2—Pay more than the minimum payment. 3—Use the snowball or avalanche method. 4—Consolidate loans if beneficial. 5—Cut unnecessary expenses. 6—Transfer balances to lower-interest cards. 7—Seek credit counseling if needed or negotiate with creditor. 8—Use any windfall to pay off debt.

  • Develop a skill: 1—Enroll in online courses. 2—Dedicate 30 minutes daily to practice. 3—Join a local or online community. 4—Use apps for practice. 5—Attend workshops or seminars. 6—Read books related to the skill. 7—Watch instructional videos. 8—Practice with a partner, friend or mentor.

  • Improve physical health: 1—Exercise for 30 minutes daily. 2—Follow a balanced diet. 3—Drink plenty of water. 4—Get 7-8 hours of sleep. 5—Reduce stress through meditation. 6—Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol. 7—Schedule regular health check-ups. 8—Fast once a month.

  • Expand your network: 1—Attend industry events. 2—Join professional associations. 3—Use social media to connect with peers. 4—Volunteer for community service. 5—Attend local meetups. 6—Network online via forums or groups. 7—Follow up with new contacts. 8—Host networking events.

8 Daily or Weekly Routines

To keep yourself on track, establish eight daily or weekly routines that align with your goals. Divide your day into three segments: 12 am to 8 am, 9 am to 4 pm, and 5 pm to 12 midnight. Here are examples of routines you can integrate:

  • Morning Routine (12 am - 8 am):

  1. Sleep and wake up early: Start your day with a clear mind.

  2. Morning meditation: Set a positive tone.

  3. Exercise: Energize your body.

  4. Healthy breakfast: Fuel your day.

  5. Review goals: Keep them fresh in your mind.

  6. Read: Gain knowledge.

  7. Plan your day: Outline tasks.

  8. Gratitude journal: Reflect on positive things in your life.

  • Daytime Routine (9 am - 4 pm):

  1. Focused work session: Tackle top priorities.

  2. Short breaks: Maintain productivity.

  3. Network: Reach out to new contacts.

  4. Skill practice: Dedicate time to learning.

  5. Financial review: Track spending and savings.

  6. Healthy lunch: Nourish yourself.

  7. Check investments: Stay informed.

  8. Progress check: Evaluate daily achievements.

  • Evening Routine (5 pm - 12 am):

  1. Family time: Strengthen relationships.

  2. Dinner: Eat a balanced meal.

  3. Reflect on the day: Note successes and areas for improvement.

  4. Plan for tomorrow: Prepare for the next day.

  5. Relaxation: Engage in a hobby or leisure activity.

  6. Study or skill enhancement: Use this time for growth.

  7. Networking: Attend events or follow up on contacts.

  8. Wind down: Prepare for restful sleep.

The idea with this third step is not necessarily to have eight routines under each segment of your day, we just gave that many examples to provide a template of options. All you need to do with this step is select eight overall routines which you must do either daily or weekly, then divide them into the three segments of your day. By incorporating these routines into your schedule, you can create a balanced, productive day that brings you closer to your goals.

Final Thoughts

Tracking and Accountability is very important with this whole process. Add the routines and actions you have selected to your notes app or calendar, whatever tools you use to track your tasks and progress. With this formula, consistency is key, so stick to your plan and regularly review your goals and achievements. Before you know it, you'll cultivate habits that drive success and build lasting wealth.

Start today and transform your life with the power of structured, intentional actions. Wealth manifestation is not a myth—it's a method. Use the 8-8-8 Formula and you can watch your dreams turn into reality over time. By integrating the strategies we’ve shared in this post, you'll create a structured, intentional path toward wealth manifestation, ensuring consistent progress and lasting success.


Sloane Angelou

Storyteller and writer passionate about learning of human existence by interrogating human experiences. They work as a human development strategist, constantly seeking ways (as a teacher and an inventor) to improve human society through cultural reformations and technology.

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