Unpacking the Formula for Magic!

sense and sensibilty, 2023. Photography by Amida Oluwatobi


Overall: There is a formula for magic. To get spiritual or supernatural results, one must apply a combination of - Knowledge + Intention | Imagination + Action. The combination of these ingredients will always result in spiritual or supernatural power in motion.


K + I² + A =


K + I² + A = 💥


What is Magic?

Magic is a concept that involves supernatural or, in this context, spiritual powers or forces that can influence events, effect change, or present the illusion of change. It is the power to control natural forces through supernatural means.

What we are referring to as magic, in the context of this post, is in direct relation to spiritual power in motion, or simply put, spiritual results. On a day to day basis, whether knowningly or unknowningly, people are constantly doing or attempting to do magic. People are constantly trying to influence the realm of the unknown with prayers, petitions, pleas, all sorts of rituals in form of spiritual practices, in other to get their desired results i.e influence their realities. Magic is an art, a spiritual art if you prefer, even a skill, which like every other thing in this universe has its own principles which it stands on for it to exist, and be effective.

The Role of Spirit in Magic

The term ‘Spirit’ encompassess all of that which is abstract, unknown and unseen, yet has the ability to influence every facet of our reality in this world. Spirit is the basic natural (for some supernatural) force, principle or substance of life, that animates the body (physical structure) of living as well as nonliving things. It is the vital principle or animating essence within humans and in fact all living as well non living things.

We continue to include “non living” or “inanimate things” in our descriptions because with indigenous philosophies e.g Odinani, it is understood that all things which take a physical form embody spirit in one way or another. So why would anyone want to engage in anything that yields spiritual results? Because all things begin in the unknown, with the abstract, in spirit before ever becoming matter.

The Spirit realm is the causal realm, we inhabit the realm of effect. Let’s state that again for emphasis, the spirit realm is the causal realm. People perform or attempt to perform magic daily, to ultimately influence their physical realities. All spiritual practices, whether indigenous or not, involve rituals which people engage with hope to get (super)natural results. All of these ritual activities are of magical essence.

With this formula for magic which we will outline in this post, anyone can review whatever rituals they engage in and determine for themselves if they should indeed expect to have achieved spiritual or supernatural results. You do not have to hope to see results, with this formula you can self assess and know for sure whether or not you will have results. 

The Formula for Magic

The formula for magic is, KNOWLEDGE + INTENTION | IMAGINATION + ACTION (K+I²+A). A combination of all of these factors, as a build up on one after the other, will always result in magic. Let’s get into each ingredient a little bit for the sake of clarity:

  • Knowledge, is basically the understanding or awareness of facts, or ideas. It is that familiarity one has with objects, situations, or concepts which one has gained through experience, education, or observation. Knowing, has to do with your mental state and consciousness (level of awareness). Your knowledge of anything is not an opinion or guesswork, because you can provide justification for it. That’s not to say that knowledge cannot be propositional, because as a form of true belief it can certainly be propositinal. However, whatever knowledge one may have as a form of true belief is (or can be) justified. Knowledge can be stored in documents or expert systems (this includes indigenous systems). You’ve most likely come across the very common saying, knowledge is power. When it comes to the subject of magic, you’ll come to find that APPLIED knowledge is power. It is not enough to just know anything, we have to act on what we know to get desired results.

  • Intention (I¹), is a mental state in which one commits themself to any course of action. It involves having a desire or desired outcome in mind, while carrying out a plan or action. Intentions are prospective in nature, meaning they are not yet executed, or immediate. They simply guide behavior as it happens, but they are (and should always be) very definite. When it comes to magic, as in spiritual results, intentions are crucial, they are so crucial that they are at the center of the formula itself. Your intention holds everything else in place when it comes to magic, it is invaluable. 

  • Imagination (I²), has to do with the ability to form mental images, sensations, or ideas in the mind without any immediate external input of the senses. It can involve forming of experiences in one’s mind, which can sometimes be re-creations of past experiences, such as vivid memories with imagined changes, or completely invented scenarios. It is a uniquely human ability that allows us to explore ideas of things that are not in our present physical space. Your imagination can be used to represent possibilities other than the actual, and to represent moments other than the present. One’s imagination is a mental faculty that allows them to create and explore new ideas, images, and possibilities beyond limits. When it comes to magic, it is an ingredient that can actively be ignored and might still not deter the results, but it is always passively present in every other ingredient. Regardless, those who can actively apply the constructive use of imagination when it comes to this formula or anything else for that matter, will find themselves in many ways yielding results that supersede that of those who do not actively apply the use of imagination to get spiritual results. The power of Imagination is one of the most untapped treasures within the human condition. You can have anything you can imagine. The active use of your imagination is in itself action.

  • Action, is a physical or mental activity. It can be a small or large movement, a thought, or even a conscious feeling. When it comes to magic, actions are best guided by intentions.

Final Thoughts:

Regardless of your creed, whether you are religious or spiritual or indifferent, whatever your belief systems are. If you desire spiritual or supernatural results, you now have a clear formula you can use to review or evaluate any ritual you engage in, in hopes of getting magical results. Now you can know for sure.

Feel free to leave a comment below with questions or to simply engage! We love hearing from you and goodluck with your magic!


Eight Cool Igbo Proverbs & Axioms to Ponder on:

  1. Abanyeghi otu mmadu mara, o nweghi ike i li onwe ya - No matter how much a person knows, they can never bury themselves.

  2. Afa onye kporo nkita ya ka oga aza - The name one calls their dog is the name it will answer.

  3. Ako bu Ije - Wisdom is the way.

  4. Ebe onye oso ruru, onye ije ga eru ya! - Wherever one who runs reaches, one who walks would also reach.

  5. Ife na-azo azo na-egbu egbu, ife na-egbu egbu na-azo azo - What saves also kills and what kills also saves.

  6. Mgbe onye ji teta ụra bụ ụtụtụ ya - Whenever one wakes up is their morning.

  7. Onye nyobe mmuo ofu Chi ya - Whoever attempts to delve deeply into spirit ultimately encounters their Chi.

  8. Uzu na-amaghi akpu ogene lee egbe anya n'odu - The blacksmith who does know how to forge a metal gong should look at the tail of a kite.

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Sloane Angelou

Storyteller and writer passionate about learning of human existence by interrogating human experiences. They work as a human development strategist, constantly seeking ways (as a teacher and an inventor) to improve human society through cultural reformations and technology.


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