The Origin of Fire and Why the Dog Pants (An Igbo Myth)

In the beginning, when Chukwu, the Great Creator, shaped the world, it was a place of vibrant life and boundless wonder. The trees stood tall and green, animals roamed freely, and mankind explored the new world with curiosity. But as time passed, the trees began to wither and the earth grew cold. Man, unaccustomed to the chill that now seeped through the land, grew concerned and sought the wisdom of Chukwu.

"Chukwu," they called out, "the trees are dying, and the cold is unbearable. What shall we do?"

Chukwu, ever compassionate and wise, listened to their pleas. To restore life to the trees, he sent rain to quench the earth’s thirst. But with the rain came a biting cold, unlike anything man had known before. The once warm and inviting world became damp and frigid, and man’s discomfort grew.

Determined to find relief, man once again called upon Chukwu. "Chukwu, the cold is too much for us to bear. We need warmth, something to chase away this chill."

Understanding their plight, Chukwu decided to send them a gift that would bring warmth and comfort—fire. But this gift would not be given lightly. Chukwu needed someone to carry the fire from the heavens to the earth, and the task required great care and dedication.

"Who among you will carry the fire to man?" Chukwu asked the creatures of the earth.

The animals whispered among themselves, each one considering the importance of the task. The dog, known for her loyalty and eagerness to serve, stepped forward.

"I will carry the fire," she declared.

Chukwu nodded and placed a glowing ember, a single piece of charcoal, into the dog’s mouth. "This is fire, a powerful force that can bring warmth and light. But be careful, for it is delicate and can easily be extinguished. Keep it aglow and deliver it to man."

The dog understood the gravity of her mission. She turned and began her journey back to the world of men, the glowing ember nestled carefully in her mouth. As she ran, the wind whistled through her fur, and she could feel the ember cooling. Desperate to keep it alive, the dog began to pant, fanning the ember with her breath to keep the fire within it burning.

Through forests and across rivers, the dog raced, never stopping, always panting, her breath fueling the ember’s glow. Her heart pounded with the effort, but she did not slow down, determined to deliver Chukwu’s gift to mankind.

Finally, after a long and arduous journey, the dog reached the village. She carefully placed the ember on a pile of dry wood, and with a final puff of her breath, the ember ignited into a bright, roaring flame. The villagers gathered around, their eyes wide with wonder as the fire crackled and danced before them. The warmth of the fire spread through the air, chasing away the cold that had plagued them.

Man rejoiced, for now they had the means to stay warm, to cook their food, and to protect themselves from the chill of the night. The dog, exhausted but satisfied, curled up beside the fire, content in the knowledge that she had completed her mission.

But from that day on, the dog could not stop panting. The memory of the ember, and the need to keep it burning, had become a part of her. Even when there was no fire to carry, she panted as she ran, a reminder of the task she had performed for Chukwu and the gift she had delivered to mankind.

And so, the dog became a beloved companion of man, always found near the fireside, enjoying the warmth she had helped bring to the world. Her panting, once a necessity, became a symbol of her loyalty and dedication, earning her a place of honor in the hearts of men.

This is why, to this day, the dog pants as she runs, and why she is always found near the warmth of a fire. It is a reminder of the gift of fire that Chukwu sent to man, and of the faithful dog who delivered it, securing her place as man’s most loyal friend.


The End.


Igbo writer, mystic and philosopher.


Uga Anwu: The Third Age of Consciousness in Igbo Cosmology


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