An Alternative Way to do ltu Oba Anwu Sunbath Ritual in Odinani

Source: The Earth is One: Powerful Secrets from Africa's Oldest Religion | Daily Rituals according to Brian Ewuzie.

Tapping Energy from the Sun

The sun is the brightest object in the sky and the centre of our solar system. Without the sun, Earth would be a frozen wasteland. No plants, animals or humans would exist.

There are many practices and rituals associated with the sun in Igboland. The most significant is Itu Oba Anwu. In the ltu Oba Anwu ritual, a dibia (lgbo shaman) absorbs spiritual energy from the sun. The dibia smears his body with white clay and stands in the early morning Sun. This increases the spiritual energy and awareness of the dibia.

Here's a simpler version of Itu Oba Anwu:

  1. Sit in your personal shrine. Close your eyes and imagine the sun shining and a single sun ray going straight to your heart.

  2. Take a slow, deep breath. Imagine sunlight travelling along the single ray and entering your heart.

  3. Imagine the light filling up every cell in your body until your whole body glows.

  4. Exhale and imagine the light in your body fading out.

  5. Take two more deep breaths. With each breath, you imagine sunlight filling your body completely. Your body glows as you breathe in, and the light fades when you exhale.


Recommended resources:

  1. The Earth is One: Powerful Secrets from Africa's Oldest Religion by Brian Ewuzie (Book)

  2. How to Get Spiritual Energy from the Sun | Brian Ewuzie (Article)

  3. Anyanwu: The Eye of Light | Odinani: The Sacred Arts & Sciences of the Igbo People (Article)

  4. The Sun Is Divine In Nature | Dibia Nwangwu Uchendu (Article)

  5. Nzu, Orhue, Sacred chalk | [Re:]Entanglements (Article)

  6. Harnessing Sun Energy | Dibia Nwangwu Uchendu (Article)

  7. The Cultural and Spiritual Importance of Nzu in Ìgbò Ọdịnanị na Omenani | Voice of the Sun (Article)

Oma Ikenga

Oma is an Igbo writer and multidisciplinary artist, passionate about learning of human existence by interrogating human experiences. They also work as a knowledge consultant on Igbo Philosophies & Spirtualities with several organzations and groups internationally.

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