How to Be the Greatest Dibia Alive (A Path to Mastery)

This post is for those who want to be among the greats, not good, not mid. Great. Becoming a great dibia—a master cosmologist, metaphysician, thinker, healer, diviner, and spiritual guide—demands a life of discipline, deep connection to the earth, and reverence for ancestral wisdom. Here’s a guide to help you on your journey to becoming a true dibia in the 21st century, blending ancient teachings with modern insights.

  1. Always Tell the Truth: Igbos have saying—Eziokwu bu Ndu, truth is life. Truth is the foundation of any spiritual practice. As a dibia, your word carries spiritual weight, and your integrity is central to your power. Honesty not only builds trust between you and the people you serve but also aligns you with higher spiritual forces. Lying distorts your energy and breaks your connection to divine wisdom. Speak with clarity, and let your words mirror the purity of your intent.

  2. Eat Organic (Earth-Produced) Foods: A dibia’s power is deeply connected to the earth (Ani/Ana/Ala). Eating organic foods—fruits, vegetables, grains—grown from the earth without harmful chemicals ensures you stay energetically clean. These foods sustain not only your physical health but also your spiritual vitality. The earth offers her gifts to keep you grounded and in tune with natural cycles. Processed foods cloud your mind and block your spiritual channels.

  3. Minimize Animal Products and Maximize Natural Foods: While some animal products can provide sustenance, they should be consumed with intention and respect for life. The more you rely on plant-based foods, the more aligned you are with the energy of nature. Overconsumption of meat or animal products can weigh you down energetically. Focus on lighter, natural foods that elevate your vibration, improve clarity, and help you connect more deeply with your spiritual work.

  4. Meditate Daily (Practice Conscious Breathing): A powerful dibia knows the value of a clear, focused mind. Daily meditation is your gateway to spiritual clarity and intuitive insight. Practicing conscious breathing calms the mind, reduces stress, and sharpens your ability to receive guidance from spirit. With each breath, you align yourself more closely with your chi (life force), and you open the door to deeper wisdom.

  5. Practice Ancestral Veneration Daily: Your ancestors are your spiritual foundation. Daily veneration keeps you connected to their guidance and protection. Light candles, pour libations, and speak directly to them. Honor the ancestors with offerings, prayers, and rituals that acknowledge their continued presence in your life. They are your strongest allies in navigating the spiritual realm and developing your abilities as a dibia.

  6. Maintain Spiritual Hygiene Rituals: You cannot play about spiritual cleanliness. Develop daily, weekly, and monthly spiritual hygiene rituals to cleanse and protect your energy. This could be in form of smudging with herbs, taking spiritual baths, using traditional items or practicing protective incantations, these rituals help you stay energetically clear and focused. The cleaner your energy, the more effective you are as a spiritual worker.

  7. Document Your Dreams, Thoughts, and Ideas: As a dibia, you are a channel for divine wisdom. Keep a journal to capture your dreams, visions, and ideas. Many of the messages you receive from spirit will come through dreams or quiet moments of reflection. Writing these down ensures you don’t miss important insights and gives you a record to refer back to as you grow in your practice.

  8. Be a Conscious Consumer (Equalize Your Consumption and Production): Dibias are creators, not just consumers. To maintain spiritual balance, aim to produce as much as you consume—this could be through healing, teaching, inventing technology or creating sacred art. When you produce, you are giving back to the universe, and this act of creation keeps you in a state of harmony. Consuming mindlessly disturbs this balance.

  9. Refrain from Polluting the Environment: As a steward of the earth, it is your responsibility to protect it. Avoid activities that harm the environment or create unnecessary waste. Live as one with the earth, be mindful of your impact on the planet. Engage in practices that nurture the earth—plant trees, clean sacred spaces, and encourage others to live sustainably.

  10. Use Water Consciously: Water is life. Every interaction with water—whether drinking it or using it for bathing—should be intentional. Speak positive affirmations over the water you drink, and use it as a medium for cleansing and healing. Water holds energy and responds to your thoughts and intentions. Bless your water with prayers before consuming it, and bathe consciously, use water to wash and keep away negative energies.

  11. Engage Sexual Energy Consciously: Sexual energy is powerful. Use it with intention and respect. Restricting your sexual partners helps you maintain energetic clarity and spiritual focus. Less (partners) is more when it comes to sexual activity; channeling your energy wisely preserves your spiritual power. Respect the sacredness of sexual energy and use it as a tool for pleasurable growth, not just indulgence.

  12. Revere the Divine Feminine: The divine feminine is the force of creation and nurturing. Incorporate her energy into your rituals, prayers, and spiritual practices. Honor the feminine aspects of the universe—this can be done through offerings, invocations, or rituals dedicated to her. Balancing masculine and feminine energies will make you a more powerful dibia, capable of healing and guiding in a holistic way.

  13. Offer to the Earth and Your Energies: Whatever you enjoy from the earth or your energies, offer it back in gratitude. It could be food, drink, or even your time, find ways to give back to the earth and your energies as a form of reciprocity. Your offerings maintain the balance of give and take, it will ensure that the earth and your energies continue to bless you with their gifts.

  14. Follow Your Cultural Initiations Before Innovating: Before you innovate or modernize your spiritual practices, immerse yourself in the traditional ways. Research your cultural heritage, find out what initiation rituals exist in your community, and follow them. Your strength as a dibia comes from honoring the past while pioneering the future. Only after mastering the ancient ways can you evolve them to meet modern needs.

  15. Never Stop Learning: Greatness is found in constant growth. Learn from everyone—masters, students, and even those who have failed. You can always learn something new, and true mastery is about being teachable. When you approach life as a student, you open yourself up to infinite possibilities for growth.

  16. Believe You Are the Greatest: Lastly, believe in your own greatness. Trust that your journey, your experiences, and your dedication make you the greatest dibia to ever live. What others think is irrelevant. Your confidence in your abilities shapes your reality. Stand firm in the belief that you are on the path to greatness, and let that belief fuel your every action.


Being a great dibia has more to do with internal validation than external validation—it's about aligning with the earth, the primordial ancestors, and the divine forces that guide your path. Stay disciplined, stay humble, and never stop growing. The journey is yours, and greatness is within reach. Yagazie!



Igbo writer, mystic and philosopher.


Mbe na Ezi (The Story of the Tortoise and the Pig)


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