Ose Oji as a Purification Tool in Igbo Spirituality: A Practical Guide on How to Use Alligator Pepper for Energetic Cleansing

Uli body art designs on Ozo titled man and his wife, at mgbala agwa [1983]. Photography by Herbert M Cole.


In our previous post, we highlighted the necessary steps to take when using Ose Oji (alligator pepper) for affirmations. Elsewhere, we’ve also highlighted seven major uses of ose oji in odinani. In this post, we will highlight major steps to consider when using Ose Oji for purification or cleansing rituals in igbo spirituality.

What is a Purification or Cleansing Ritual?

Purification or cleansing rituals involve purifying the spirit, mind, and body from negative energies in all forms, also known as uchu. Such rituals are used to effect easy flow of positive energy into one’s life, by removing blockages or stagnant energy that is believed to be able to cause distress or dysfunction on a person’s soul and well being. In Odinani, spiritual hygiene is considered invaluable.

Five Major Steps to Consider When Using Ose Oji for Purification or Cleansing Exercises:

Overall, take four (4) seeds of ose oji or less, touch them over your body from head to toe to cleanse yourself of negative energies then discard them in a secure space.

  • Step 1: If you are using seeds from a fresh pod of ose oji, you may raise the pod towards the sun then take it behind your back to open it.

  • Step 2: Take four (4) seeds of ose oji (or the amount you need) and rotate it round your head in anti-clockwise motion four times (representing the four market days, four cardinal points) then state while doing so that you are removing negative energies in all its forms.

  • Step 3: Alternatively, you could draw four (4) (imaginary) triangles and four (4) circles over your head using four (4) seeds of ose oji OR draw one (1) (imaginary) triangle and seven (7) ciricles and state while doing so state that you are removing negative energies in all its forms.

  • Step 4: Touch the seeds all over your body, from head to toe or at core exposed areas in your body, then throw the seeds away. 

  • Step 5: When discarding the used seeds pay attention to discard in areas or corners without much human contact to avoid them being stepped on by others.

    < > Breakdown of Two Dominant Motifs in This Exercise:

  1. Drawing of an imaginary triangle involves starting with the apex at the forehead and the base line connecting the left and right shoulders.

  2. Circling round the head involves drawing an imaginary round 360 degrees circle in anti clockwise motion over the head from ear to ear.

We hope this post answers the question on how to use ose oji for purification or cleansing, clearly enough. As always we are happy to respond to any questions, feel free to leave us a comment below and don’t forget to share this post to help others. Udo!


Seven Cool Proverbs & Axioms to Ponder On:

  1. Ako bu Ije - Wisdom is the way.

  2. Aka nri kwo aka ekpe, aka ekpe akwoo aka nri - The right hand washed the left hand, and the left hand washes the right hand.

  3. Ebe onye oso ruru, onye ije ga eru ya! - Wherever one who runs reaches, one who walks would also reach.

  4. Ekele dike na nke omere, omekwa ozo - If a (great) person is thanked/praised for something they did, they’d be keen to do another.

  5. Enu uwa bu olili, onye nosia, o naba - The world is a recreational ground, the players return home after the games / the world is for tourism; a visitor must go home.

  6. Onye ajụjụ anaghị efu ụzọ - One who is curious and always asks questions never gets lost.

  7. Ose oji anaghi eje ije ifele, yana mmuo na mmadu na adi mma - The alligator pepper never fails to succeed on any message it takes on, it is always in good terms with spirit and man.

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Oma Ikenga

Oma is an Igbo writer and multidisciplinary artist, passionate about learning of human existence by interrogating human experiences. They also work as a knowledge consultant on Igbo Philosophies & Spirtualities with several organzations and groups internationally.


Onye Kwe Chi Ya Ekwe: Decoding the Igbo Proverb


Ose Oji as an Affirmation Tool in Igbo Spirituality: A Practical Guide on How to Use Alligator Pepper for Blessings