Ose Oji as an Affirmation Tool in Igbo Spirituality: A Practical Guide on How to Use Alligator Pepper for Blessings


The Ose Oji referred to in this context is the fruit known as alligator pepper, not the peanut butter dip (okwu ose) which some people (like myself 😊) eat with garden egg. In another post, we went into some details on some of the major uses of Ose Oji (alligator pepper) and it’s importance in Odinani. In this post, we will highlight some major steps anyone can take when using ose oji for affirmations or declarative practices.

Affirmations and declarations are positive statements or phrases that we repeat to ourselves, to challenge and eliminate negative thoughts or unhelpful mental programs that have the ability to hold us back. Affirmations are aimed to affect the conscious and the subconscious mind, they can help us begin to act or think in ways that align with our own ideals or goals. Affirmations and declarations work more effectively when they are repeated daily and backed by true belief.

Ose oji acts as an amplifier when it is used for affirmations and declarations, it increases the amplitude, power, and energetic vibration of the words applied to its potency. Ose oji anaghi eje ije ifele, yana mmuo na mmadu na adi mma. This is an Igbo saying that reminds us that the alligator pepper does not go on any message in vain, because it is always at peace with all natural forces.

8 Major Steps to Apply When Using Ose Oji for Affirmations:

Overall, take seven (7) seeds of ose oji, put them in your mouth, then speak positivity & greatness over your day.

  • Step 1: Give thanks to the divine, your creator, your chi, your ezumezu (spirit guides).

  • Step 2: Acknowledge the divinity in the seeds, greet or bless the chi (life force) within the ose oji you’re about to use.

  • Step 3: Typically, seven (7) seeds of ose oji is used when spirtual hygiene has already been taken into consideration. If it has not then three (3) seeds or less than seven (7) seeds should suffice.

  • Step 4: Be barefeet, stay grounded.

  • Step 5: Take the seeds into your mouth and begin to make your declarations or affirmations.

  • Step 6: State your positive affirmations and declarations out audibly, there is no need to shout and disturb your neighbours, the universe is not deaf.

  • Step 7: After making your declarations or affirmations, chew and spit the seeds out four times into open air calling on the four market days—Eke-Orie-Afor-Nkwo, to help you manifest your wishes or chew and swallow the seeds asking your inner self to help you bring it to fruition. Your approach here depends on what you feel inclined to do in the moment.

  • Step 8: Conclude your process with iseeeee (so shall it be, it is so) or its equivalent.

It should go without saying, still, please do not use this process for curses or malevolent intentions, you will only end up causing harm to yourself. If you decide to apply the process in the constructive way which it should be used, then take it seriously. There is always divine power laying dormant in nature waiting for those who have the foresight to put them to use. Everything that moves for us is moved by faith.

As always feel free to leave your questions or remarks in the comment section below. Yagazie!


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Igbo writer, mystic and philosopher.


Ose Oji as a Purification Tool in Igbo Spirituality: A Practical Guide on How to Use Alligator Pepper for Energetic Cleansing


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