Nso (Iwu) | Table of Contents & Summary


Welcome to the Nso (Iwu) Category of Oma’s Odinani Mystery School. This section is dedicated to exploring the concepts of personal and communal taboos within Odinani, the indigenous spiritual practices of the Igbo people. Understanding these taboos is crucial for maintaining spiritual harmony and balance. Below is the Table of Contents for this category, along with summaries for each topic.

1. An Introduction to Nso: Personal and Communal Taboos

  • Summary: This introductory post will provide an overview of Nso, the concept of taboos in Odinani. We will explore the difference between personal and communal taboos, their significance in maintaining spiritual and social order, and how they influence daily life. Understand the foundations of Nso and why respecting these taboos is essential for spiritual well-being.

2. Sex: Indulgence or Abstinence

  • Summary: Sexual energy and behavior are significant aspects of spiritual life. This post will discuss ideas around sexual indulgence and abstinence within Odinani. Learn about the spiritual implications of sexual conduct and how to align your sexual practices with your spiritual goals.

3. Food: What to Indulge or Avoid

  • Summary: Dietary practices are deeply intertwined with spiritual beliefs in Odinani. This post will explore the taboos and guidelines surrounding food, including what to indulge in and what to avoid. Discover the spiritual reasons behind these dietary restrictions and how they contribute to physical and spiritual health.

4. Sacred Days & Festivals

  • Summary: Certain days and festivals hold special significance in Odinani. This post will provide an overview of sacred days and festivals, their roles in the spiritual calendar, and the taboos associated with them. Learn about the rituals and practices to observe during these times to honor the divine and maintain spiritual harmony.

5. The Role of Epigenetics & Ancestral Memories

  • Summary: Epigenetics and ancestral memories play a crucial role in shaping spiritual practices and taboos. This post will get into the concept of epigenetics, how ancestral experiences influence present-day behaviors, and the importance of honoring or getting past some of these inherited memories. Understand how past generations can impact your spiritual journey.

6. The Value of Totems

  • Summary: Totems are significant spiritual symbols in Odinani, representing various animals, plants, and objects. This post will explore the value of totems, their meanings, and how they guide and protect individuals and communities. Learn about the taboos associated with totems and how to honor and work with these powerful symbols.

7. The Concept of Aru (Abominations)

  • Summary: Aru, or abominations, are severe violations of spiritual and moral laws in Odinani. This post will discuss what constitutes an abomination, the consequences of committing one, and how to avoid these serious taboos. Understand the concept of Aru and its impact on individuals and communities.

8. Spiritual Hygiene & Cleansing Techniques

  • Summary: Maintaining spiritual cleanliness is essential in Odinani. This post will explore various spiritual hygiene and cleansing techniques, including Ikpu Aru, used to purify oneself and remove negative energies. Learn about the importance of spiritual cleanliness and the practices to keep your spiritual space clear and balanced.

9. General Examples of Taboos That Exist in Igbo Land and Their Origins

  • Summary: This post will provide a comprehensive list of common taboos in Igbo land, their origins, and the reasons behind them. Discover the historical and cultural context of these taboos, how they have evolved over time, and their relevance in contemporary spiritual practice. Gain a deeper understanding of the taboos that shape Igbo spirituality.


By exploring these topics, you will gain a thorough understanding of the various taboos within Odinani and how to navigate them in your spiritual practice. Stay tuned as we explore each subject, offering detailed insights and practical guidance to enrich your journey with Nso (Iwu).

If there are any topics you would like us to cover under Nso (Iwu) that are not listed in the table of content for this category, please leave a comment below and let us know. We will do our best to cover them. We will also update this table of content + summary from time to time as new subject ideas come to our attention. Udo na Ndu!


Dibia Amamife.


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