Alternative Divination Systems | Table of Contents & Summary

Welcome to the Alternative Divination Systems Category of Oma’s Odinani Mystery School. This section is dedicated to exploring the various divination practices within Odinani, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of these ancient methods. Below is the Table of Contents for this category, along with summaries for each topic.

1. (Nne)Agwu the Spirit of Divination

  • Summary: Nne Agwu is the spirit of divination, spiritual gifts and creativity in Odinani. This post will get into details of the nature of Agwu, its role in guiding diviners and practitioners, and how to connect with this powerful spirit. Learn about the rituals and practices that honor Agwu and enhance your divinatory skills.

2. Igbo Numerology Explained

  • Summary: Igbo numerology is a fascinating system that assigns spiritual meanings to numbers. This post will explain the principles of Igbo numerology, how numbers are interpreted, and their significance in various aspects of life. Discover how to use numerology for divination and guidance in your spiritual journey.

3. Head & Face Divination Explained

  • Summary: The head or face, "isi or ihu mmadu," is a sacred part of the body in Igbo spirituality, and it can be used in divination practices. This post will explore the concept of head divination, the techniques involved, and its significance in determining destiny and spiritual alignment. Learn how to perform head divination and interpret its results.

4. Afa Divination Covered Extensively

  • Summary: Afa divination is one of the most intricate and revered divination systems in Odinani. This extensive post will cover the history, tools, and methods of Afa divination. Gain a deep understanding of how Afa works, the types of questions it can answer, and how to become proficient in this powerful practice.

5. How to Use a Pendulum in Odinani

  • Summary: The pendulum is a versatile tool used for divination and communication with the subconscious mind as well as spiritual realm. This post will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use a pendulum in Odinani, including selecting the right pendulum, preparing for a session, and interpreting the movements. You will be able to enhance your divination practices with this accessible tool.

6. How to Create a Pendulum (DIY): A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Summary: Learn the art of creating your own pendulum with this comprehensive guide. We'll walk you through each step, from selecting the right materials to assembling and personalizing your pendulum. Learn about the significance of pendulums in divination and how to effectively use your handmade tool for spiritual guidance and insights. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this guide offers valuable tips to enhance your pendulum-making skills and deepen your connection to your Chi.

7. Igu Aka: Igbo Palmistry Explained in Details

  • Summary: Akaraka, or Igbo palmistry, is the art of reading palms to understand one's destiny and life path. This detailed post will explain the principles of Akaraka, the meanings of various lines and markings on the palm, and how to perform a palm reading. Learn how to uncover insights about yourself and others through this ancient practice.

8. Water & Mirror Divination

  • Summary: Water and mirror divination are ancient methods used to gain insights and communicate with the spiritual world. This post will explore the techniques of water and mirror divination, their historical significance. Discover how ancient ancestors used these reflective surfaces to reveal hidden truths.

9. Cowries Divination

  • Summary: Cowries have been used for divination in various cultures, including the Igbo tradition. This post will explain the process of cowrie divination, the meanings of different cowrie positions, and how to interpret the results. Learn how to use cowries to seek guidance and make informed decisions.

10. Kolanut Divination

  • Summary: Kolanut divination is a traditional Igbo practice used to seek guidance and communicate with the spiritual realm. This post will explore the process of Kolanut divination, including the selection and preparation of the Kolanuts, the method of casting them, and the interpretation of their positions and splits. Learn about the cultural significance of Kolanut divination, the spiritual messages it conveys, and how it is used to make decisions and gain insights in various aspects of life.

11. The Value of Payment / Energy Exchange

  • Summary: The concept of energy exchange, often in the form of payment, is an age old practice in divination. This post will discuss the importance of fair exchange in divination, the spiritual significance of offering payment, and how it maintains balance and respect in the practitioner-client relationship. Understand why mutual energy exchange is essential for ethical and effective divination.


By exploring these topics, you will gain a thorough understanding of the various divination systems within Odinani and how to incorporate them into your spiritual practice. Stay tuned as we explore each subject, providing detailed insights and practical guidance to enrich your journey with alternative divination methods.

If there are any topics you would like us to cover under Alternative Divination Systems that are not listed in the table of content for this category, please leave a comment below and let us know. We will do our best to cover them. We will also update this table of content + summary from time to time as new subject ideas come to our attention. Udo na Ndu!



Dibia Amamife.


Nso (Iwu) | Table of Contents & Summary


The Uses of Symbols | Table of Contents & Summary