Ancient Things Shall Rise Again: My New Year 🎉

Grandmother Mask, Obugula Mmau, Amuobia village


i celebrated my birthday recently and for me that usually comes with a reflective post 😊. this particular landmark in flesh years brought me into a new cycle of my life, a fresh phase. it is both refreshing and very grounding to be able to see how far we’ve come, while simultaneously perceiving how much farther we have to go. the work, the soul satisfying and expanding work there is to do. the personal growth and evolution that has come and still comes with it, this work—that work, is sacred. it’s somewhat difficult to look at all these things, small but mighty things, that have taken place and is still taking place in my life and not be in awe or be simply amazed.

i am grateful. i am deeply grateful for all the ways i have been stretched and moulded. i am grateful for this embodiment that has given me the opportunity to perceive life in multiple phases within this existence. i am grateful for kin spirits, both the knowing and unknowing ones who have continued to defy distance (which does not exist in spirit) to reach me always wherever i am. who always in one form or another feed me with revival, with divine energy to persevere, to live on, to do the work of remembering, to show up for myself (for us) and ultimately to thrive. because they breathe, i am breathing. because they speak the language of resonance, i am constantly resurrected from all the necessary dieing this world demands of us. because they exist, i am (being). i am grateful for my partner, my loving companion who came into my life and has been a divine gift of love ever since. i am grateful for all these things and more, so much more. they have all led to and continue to lead to growth (and a mad godly revolution spiraling within and about me).

while reflecting, i have made a poor attempt at counting my blessings, indeed because i could not—we could not possibly begin to meet an end to this post if i begin to do a decent job of truly expressing my gratitude for all the evolutions the past year not to mention cycle, configured into my life. ultimately, who or what am i without my spiritual development which constantly shifts everything else. over the past year especially, i came to realize that the work of alignment, spiritual alignment, with ones higher self is a life long process and journey. but we must first start, we must always make up our mind, and come to a definite decision of beginning from somewhere. that somewhere, our when we choose to start the work of alignment will set the navigation tone for the life long journey that follows everything else. so darling, the lesson i have constantly been reminded of in this alignment journey is that no one is coming to save you, you are your own saviour. while that is a truth, we must always also remember the truth, which is that you are never alone. we are always surrounded & encapsulated by divine love and light. you are always surrounded by angles of that divine love and light from across all dimensions (angels as some like to call them), so it’s okay if you have to be your own savior, you will be fine. everything you need, to do the work of lifting yourself up, has already been made available to you, this is the reminder i was confronted with this past year. 

i grew and continue to grow in leaps, quantum leaps. for this i am most grateful to my chi (my beginning, center, and end), to nne agwu, to my ezumezu, to everything and being which has held me, pushed me, guided and sustained me in this terrifying process that is my life. it is a great privilege to be me, and i live with that knowing, i live in that wonder. the most constant and unchanging factor that seems to have established itself in my life as an anchor is peace, that PEACE that exceeds all human understanding or perceptions. that godseed(ed) divine peace that is beyond all understanding has since been my center and what a gift! what a precious gift to have such a thing that is fixed, unchanging, and always within reach inside of me. what more can i say about what i have been given, what i have received and the things i have continued to be curious about since this last year. i am excited, very excited about what the future (all in the present) has in store for us. the work that has been laid out for us to do which we will continue to do. the people, places and things we continue to join forces with to live this life and play our part as a witness. it is a privilege, an honor, a mighty wonder to be here and aware. i look forward to continuing on this ancient path with you, all of you who are walking the same path whether knowingly or unknowingly, for there is nothing new under the moon, nothing hidden under the sun.

all the knowledge we need to be effective here in this world is here, now and always, and we must continue to do the work of remembering, of being. so dearest kin spirits, cheers to a great new cycle 🥂


Sloane Angelou

Storyteller and writer passionate about learning of human existence by interrogating human experiences. They work as a human development strategist, constantly seeking ways (as a teacher and an inventor) to improve human society through cultural reformations and technology.

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