An Igbo Morning Prayer (Done While Offering Kola Nut)

“A kpopu uzo, a kpopu onu

The dawning of a new day marks the beginning of a routine struggling for the means of human and other beings existence

Ubosi kpatalu nu nya likalie

The day that fetches more benefits than others deserves to have more of those items of benefit

Uchu adi agba mma ekwu

The pen knife routinely deployed for splitting of kolanuts because of the nature of its assignment is always assured of early morning breakfast

O bu n’igwe, O bu n’ana, chedo anyi

God who lives in heaven and on earth, please protect our interest

Omebia, Odokwaa

God you destroy and regenerate lives

O sibe, O dika a ma elisi

God bestows gifts as though these benevolence would remain endless

E lisie, o dika a ma eweta ozo

He allows or rescinds these gifts as he considers appropriate or expedient

Taa oji a n’otu ka anyi taa ya n’ibe n’ibe

Almighty God, take this kolanut in whole, while we take it in cotyledons

Oru mmuo na nnu mmo bianu taa oji

All classes of spirit/elementals, especially the good ones, please have your own share of this nut

Ichie ukwu na ichie nta

Title and non-titled ancestors join us in this exercise

Ndi mvu na ndi egede

The primordial and other ancestors of the spirit world also join

A nalu nwata ife o ji ama mma mma ya aluru

When a child is deprived of what he loves he subsequently is made miserable

Ana, ndi afulu anya na ndi afuro anya, nke na enwero okpa ibe ya kwota ya n’azu

This land, indigines dead and alive; among the dead; the deformed and the crippled helped by others also invited to join

Unu ekwena ka oji dalue ana, ma o bu ka nwa-ngwele gbaa aji

(Almighty God) do not allow this kolanut to drop from my hand or subject us to any misfortune today

Ofo nna m nyiba m alo, e welu m aka abo bulu ya

I will at all costs endeavor to protect all the heritages handed over to me by my father

Mmuo na anoro ya, mmadu ebulu oche ya

If an oracle vacate its seat, a human being takes over

Izuzugbe nzugbe, anunu gbe

All (spirits/ancestors) are enjoined to rally and then fully participate in these early morning prayers

O sii nwata, jide nkakwu, ya ga-ekunye mmili o ga-eji kwo aka

Anyone who makes a child commit a crime will have to bear the consequences of his action

Oso chuka nwata, o gbanaa ikwu nne ya

A child who has a serious disagreement with his fraternal household may op to move over and settle with his maternal relatives

Nee ubosi taata dozie ya ka o di ka ibe ya

God bless today as you did with other days

Ndi ilo ezuana anyi n’uzo

We earnestly pray we do not fall prey to the evil plans of our enemies

O bialu egbu anyi gbue onwe ya

Wicked plans designed to harm innocent are to have boomerang effect

Ile oma ka ejuna ji agan’ogwu

We achieve much progress by being good, kind and gentle

Ife anyi ga-eli bia, nke ga eli anyi abiana

We pray for the good things of life and abhor evil tendencies

Izu gbajulugwo o kaalu nti

Secrets and malevolent plans at some point in time may they be revealed

Ututu tutaufa ife

May today be blessed with lots of good luck

Onye welu ututu tutuba otutujue akpa

If you start early enough to toil, you will achieve a lot by the end of the day.


Source: Traditional Igbo Beliefs and Practices by IK Ogbukagu.


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