25+ Igbo Names that Start With “D”
This is a growing collection of Igbo names that start with “D”, so be sure to check back regularly!
Igbo names carry deep diverse meaning and reflect the values, beliefs, and experiences of the people or families who bear them. In this post, we’re highlighting Igbo names that start with the letter “D”, and their meanings. For us, what qualifies as an Igbo name is its real-world usage, at any given time, multiple Igbo people must have borne or currently bear the name.
If you're learning Igbo or searching for name ideas, this list is a valuable resource. Enjoy!
Dabelem: Lean on me.
Daberuchi or Daberechi or Daberenachi: Lean on your Chi, or Put Your Trust in your Chi.
Daluchi: Thank God, or Thank Chi.
Dalunna: Thank you father.
Dibia: Doctor, or Mystical expert.
Diarachukwundu: Live for God, or Live life for God.
Diji: Master in cultivating and harvesting yam.
Dikeogu: War hero, or Great warrior.
Diliibe or Diriibe: Live for others.
Dimgba: Master in wrestling.
Dinyelum: Be with me.
Diebere: Is merciful, or Merciful one.
Dindu: Is alive, or Alive one.
Dike: Master of strength.
Dimogu: Master of fight.
Diuto: Very sweet.
Dozie: One who repairs or rebuilds.
Dumbiri: Stay with me, or Live with me.
Dumetochukwu or Dumkenechi: Praise God with me, or Praise my Chi with me.
Dubem: Lead me.
Duru: Master.
Durudike: Master of strength.
Duruoha: Leader of the people.
Duruewuru: Master has come to be.
Duruba: Master of wealth.
Duruosimiri: Master of sea.
Dumebi: Living with me.
Duruaku: Master of wealth.
This list includes both first names and surnames. If we missed any, please share them along with their meanings in the comments! Also, what’s your Igbo name?
Please note: Igbo (written) language is rich in diacritical marks and accents that convey specific meanings and nuances. However, the Igbo texts highlighted in this post do not include such diacritical marks.