50 Igbo Names that Start With “A”
This is a growing collection of Igbo names that start with “A”, so be sure to check back regularly!
Igbo names carry deep diverse meaning and reflect the values, beliefs, and experiences of the people or families who bear them. In this post, we’re highlighting Igbo names that start with the letter “A”, and their meanings. For us, what qualifies as an Igbo name is its real-world usage, at any given time, multiple Igbo people must have borne or currently bear the name.
If you're learning Igbo or searching for name ideas, this list is a valuable resource. Enjoy!
Adadioramma: The daughter pleasant to all, or Daughter that is good for the world.
Adaeze: Daughter of a king or priest.
Adaora: Daughter of all.
Adaku: Daughter of wealth.
Adaobi: The daughter of a community or king.
Adamma: Daughter of beauty, or Beautiful daughter.
Adannaya: Her father's daughter, or Father’s first daughter.
Adaolisa: God's daughter, or Daughter of the creator.
Adaugo: Daughter of an eagle, or Royalty.
Adimoramma: I am good for the world.
Adiole: How many are we, or How many are they?
Agunwa: Leopards child, or Child of strength.
Ahizechukwu or Arinzechukwu: If not for God, or By the grace of God.
Ahamefuna: May my name not become lost.
Akachukwu: The hand of God.
Akunnia: Father's wealth.
Akumbunahu: My wealth is on me, or My wealth is in my body.
Akuibe: Joint wealth, or Communal wealth.
Akusinachi: Wealth comes from one’s Chi, or Wealth is from God.
Anurika or Anwulika: Happiness is the greatest, or Joy is great.
Anelechukwu or Anenechukwu: Let's be looking at God, or We focus on Chukwu (God).
Anyaomachi: The good eyes of God.
Amaka: Beauty, or Blessing.
Amarachi: God's grace, or God’s blessings.
Amaechi: Who knows tomorrow.
Akunesiobiike: Wealth strengthens the heart.
Akarandu: Mark for life, or Destiny marker.
Akaraoma: Good mark, or Good destiny.
Akwaugo: Eagle's egg.
Akobundu: Wisdom is life.
Akubuzo: Wealth is the first, or Wealth precedes, or Wealth takes lead.
Akubundu: Wealth is life.
Akuezuoke: Wealth is not complete, or There is more wealth to be begotten.
Akuudo: Peaceful wealth.
Akuchinyere: The wealth given by one’s Chi.
Akuezuo: Wealth is complete, or Wealth is enough.
Akaolisa: Hand of God.
Akachi: The hand of one’s Chi.
Alakachukwu: God's branch.
Amaobi: The heart is unknown, or Who knows the heart?
Amadianaeze: No one knows the enemy to avoid.
Amaogechi: God's time is unknown, or Who knows God’s time?
Amadi: Freeborn, or Honored one.
Amuchechukwu: Who knows the mind of God?
Anwuanwu: One who does not die.
Anozie: The one that stays.
Asoanya: Fearless.
Atuanyachukwu: God's wonders.
Azuka: The past is the greatest, or What is behind is greater.
Azubuike: The past is strength, or Past experiences are strength.
This list includes both first names and surnames. If we missed any, please share them along with their meanings in the comments! Also, what’s your Igbo name?
Please note: Igbo (written) language is rich in diacritical marks and accents that convey specific meanings and nuances. However, the Igbo texts highlighted in this post do not include such diacritical marks.