14 Igbo Names that Start With “J”

This is a growing collection of Igbo names that start with “J”, so be sure to check back regularly!


Igbo names carry deep diverse meaning and reflect the values, beliefs, and experiences of the people or families who bear them. In this post, we’re highlighting Igbo names that start with the letter “J”, and their meanings. For us, what qualifies as an Igbo name is its real-world usage, at any given time, multiple Igbo people must have borne or currently bear the name.

If you're learning Igbo or searching for name ideas, this list is a valuable resource. Enjoy!

  1. Jaabuikem: God is my strength.

  2. Jachimma: Hail your Chi well, or Hail a good Chi, or Praise your Chi.

  3. Jamuike: Motivate me, or Inspire me, or Encourage me, or Give me strength.

  4. Jekwu (from Chukwujekwu): God will decide, or God will speak (on my behalf).

  5. Jeneta or Jenete: Go and see (whether it is really true).

  6. Jibuike: Yam is might or strength. 

  7. Jibunoh: Yam makes or holds the home.

  8. Jideofo: One who holds the Ofo, or Hold on to truth and justice, or Act in good faith.

  9. Jideobi: Hold (firmly) the Obi, or Take heart.

  10. Jidenna: Hold on to the father.

  11. Jioke (from Chukwujioke or Chijioke) : God holds the share, or Chi holds the share.

  12. Ji-ro-na-oba (short form Jiroh): Yam abounds in the barn or household, or A wealthy home.

  13. Juachi or Juochi: Ask your Chi.

  14. Jukwaese: Ask around (about me).

This list includes both first names and surnames. If we missed any, please share them along with their meanings in the comments! Also, what’s your Igbo name?

Please note: Igbo (written) language is rich in diacritical marks and accents that convey specific meanings and nuances. However, the Igbo texts highlighted in this post do not include such diacritical marks.


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Sloane Angelou

Sloane Angelou is a multifaceted strategist, storyteller, and writer with a deep passion for exploring the nuances of human existence through the lens of human experiences.


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